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Magical Mystery Movie





Film nights without a net and a double bottom - the surprise film series in the Gartenbaukino.

First the magic.
Are there words that harmonize better than cinema and magic? Or rather, aren't these two inseparable?

The magic that jumps from the screen to us makes us forget, marvel, not let go, leave us with the desire for more and yet it releases us enchanted back into reality. Somehow we are others afterwards. Wanting to share what we have experienced, discuss it, rave about it together, or just silently process it.

Why the mystery?
When we go to the movies, we already put ourselves in the hands of others anyway. But at least we know in part what to expect. The trailers, commercials, reviews, narratives, and recommendations of others have prepared us a tiny bit for what's to come. And in doing so, robbed us of a tiny bit of the magic. So why not relinquish that control? Not knowing what will be seen and what will happen around us? Let's just go to the movies. I wonder if this journey in the dark auditorium will take us over the Yellow Brick Road? Or over roads at all? Because maybe where we are going there are no roads ....

After all ... it's about the movies
That's right, plural. But don't worry, there are no double or triple features waiting here. We'll all get home in time. But cinema is a collective experience and a collective decision can be made. Three envelopes, three movies, excitement, despair, joy, possibilities - one decision. Tadaa! The lights go out, the silver screen reveals the secret. The two films not chosen? Who knows. A mystery.

A little heads up: no heads up needed. Magical Mystery Movie is a safe space. The series itself is the excitement. For that we do without jump scares, excessive gore and scenes that would make the less brave close their eyes. What do we have the night glare for...?