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The Story of Kerry, Josie and Diana 14–47: Lust, Love and Lies

FromGillian Armstrong



"Kerry, Josie and Diana have agreed: One more to go." In the fifth and final part of the project to date, the film documentation of the story of the three Australian women has already lasted 33 years - and with it the connection between the protagonists and the director, who is around fourteen years older. She now also appears in front of the camera from time to time: Kerry, Josie and Diana's children, stepchildren, grandchildren, sons-in-law and (ex-)partners. At the beginning there is a brief recap of the earlier episodes - and in comparison with the present, some things are surprisingly different in retrospect (as one of them beams at the time, and explains this solely with her joy at work!) This project is also special in this respect, because it reveals how protagonists independently and without consultation co-determine which (aspects of their) story they want to see published. (Marion Biet / Nicole Kandioler / Isabella Reicher)

Photo: Austrian Film Museum