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Le Procès


WithAnthony Perkins, Romy Schneider, Orson Welles, Jeanne Moreau



‘To have such a trial is to have already lost it.’ The most ‘valid’ Kafka film adaptation to this day: Joseph K., still drunk from sleep, opens the door to his flat one morning to two officers who place him under arrest without giving any reason. An odyssey begins that manoeuvres him deeper and deeper into the mills of an opaque judicial system. He meets supposed friends and shady characters, but he doesn't get any answers to his questions. Instead, he loses himself deeper and deeper in his labyrinthine, hostile environment ... Oppressive interiors meet gigantomaniac architecture, anonymous crowds meet menacing emptiness. Without a doubt, non-conformist Welles sees an accomplice in Mr K., who fights against invisible walls. (Florian Widegger)