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Küchengespräche mit Rebellinnen

FromKarin Berger, Elisabeth Holzinger, Lotte Podgornik, Lisbeth N. Trallori

WithRosl Grossmann-Breuer, Anni Haider, Agnes Primocic, Johanna Sadolschek-Zala



In this film, four women from Austria talk about their resistance against the Nazi regime. Agnes Primocic supported the escape of concentration camp prisoners. Johanna Sadolschek-Zala escaped from the Gestapo and joined the partisans. Rosl Grossmann-Breuer sabotaged a war operation, was arrested and resisted torture. Anni Haider remembers her time as a prisoner in Vienna and in Aichach prison. The wonderful way in which the women tell their stories, their attitude of courage, solidarity and spirit of resistance make the film a document of dignity and indomitability.