15.05. 20:00
Metro Kinokulturhaus

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Ist der Teufel wirklich ein Kind?




Five years after NO PASARAN, Margareta Heinrich picks up its threads again - in a different setting, but with the same urgency. From 1977 onwards, Mozambique experienced a 16-year civil war between the former freedom movement FRELIMO and the new resistance movement RENAMO. At the centre of the film are the fates of the children abducted by RENAMO and trained as soldiers: Their traumatic experiences (abduction, torture, training as killers, escape or liberation) and the government's attempt to reintegrate them into society form the thematic focus. At the same time, it is an appeal to the conscience of the world to no longer stand idly by and watch the atrocities caused by the civil war. Only with time does it emerge that the fronts of this conflict were just about to soften ... (Florian Widegger)