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Didi mtswane weli

FromMerab Kokotschaschwili

WithDawid Abaschidse, Lia Kapanadse, Msia Maglakelidse, Ilia Bakakuri



DIDI MTSWANE WELI is a drama influenced by Italian neorealism about an outsider caught between tradition and progress: the shepherd Sosana looks after the cattle for his collective farm in a remote mountain valley. Rooted in the land of his fathers, Sosana thrives on closeness to nature and its laws. But his wife Pirimse is drawn to people who live in the rhythm of the new times; she wants to separate from her husband, who has become a stranger to her. The collective farm chairman's demand that Sosana have to move away with his family and cattle because oil reserves have been found in the valley puts him under additional pressure... (red)