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Agrispor: Ich gehe jetzt rein

FromAysun Bademsoy



In Mädchen am Ball, Aysun Bademsoy introduced young women from Turkish families who play for the Kreuzberg football club BSC Agrispor in 1995. Ich gehe jetzt rein is the third and final encounter with Safiye, Arzu, Türkan, Nalan and Nazan. They now have their own families, are married, divorced or single. Only Safiye is still involved in the club. Looking back at footage of the young sportswomen, divergences between the dreams of the past and the present become apparent. According to Aysun Bademsoy, one should not draw any hasty conclusions from this: "Because of my experiences and my knowledge of this culture, I have a respect for not saying certain things, for not crossing certain boundaries of privacy. I don't make reality TV where people are forced to open up so much that they feel they are completely at the mercy of the camera." (M. B. / N. K. / I. R.)

Photo: Austrian Film Museum