27.02. 16:00
German subtitles

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Zwischen uns Gott

FromRebecca Hirneise

WithBirgit Arnold, Conny Epple, Volker Epple, Rebecca Hirneise, Anette Kirschner, Reinhold Kirschner u.a.




Tue 21 Jan, 8.00 pm
Cinema premiere in cooperation with Die Presse
Director Rebecca Hirneise in conversation with Ulrike Schiesser (Federal Centre for Sect Issues)

Fri 24 Jan, 7.30 pm Special event in cooperation with Psychotherapeut:innen Österreich
Director Rebecca Hirneise in conversation with Tilmann Rödiger (camera) and Sandra Teml-Wall (family therapist)

Sun 26 Jan, 12.00 noon Film breakfast: Director Rebecca Hirneise in conversation with Frank Hinkelmann (religious historian, pastor), Anna Theresa-Planner (former member of the Free Church), Nicole Dungl (Free Church Vienna)

Tue 28 Jan, 7.30 pm
Special event in cooperation with the University of Vienna, Institute for Religious Education
Director Rebecca Hirneise in conversation with Robert Schelander (Institute for Religious Education, University of Vienna), moderated by Renata Schmidtkunz (ORF)

Wed. 5.2., 20.00 hrs
Special event in co-operation with Albert Schweitzer Haus
Director Rebecca Hirneise in conversation with Johannes Modes (Albert Schweitzer Haus, pastor)

After years of distance, filmmaker Rebecca Hirneise approaches her devout family again to talk to them about religion for the first time. Documentary observations of family gatherings are mixed with discussion rounds, archive material, notes and memories, creating a discourse centred on the question of whether living out one's faith is perhaps not healing for some family members, but rather painful. A debate ensues that reveals a broad spectrum of absolute faithfulness to the Bible, charismatic ecstasy and a deep-seated fear of God. An unusually intense and individual world of Christianity unfolds.