In the year 2293, the Earth's population is divided into two groups. The immortal eternals live in a sealed-off paradise managed by artificial intelligence, while the so-called brutals, who lead a barbaric existence outside in a desolate landscape, are forced to provide for them. When the brutal Zed (Sean Connery in a loincloth) crosses the border, he finally realizes that immortality has also robbed the eternals of all drive: his intrusion causes the decadent system to totter. Following the success of Deliverance, Boorman was able to realize one of his boldest visions with Zardoz (an allusion to the Wizard of Oz): The protagonist's search for the truth unfolds as a visually powerful psychedelic flow. When it was released, Zardoz was considered an overambitious failure, but a fan cult soon developed and half a century later Boorman was surprised to find: “It seems that the film went from flop to classic without ever having been a success in between.” (C.H.)
Photo: Images Courtesy of Park Circus/Walt Disney Studios