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Wir haben lange geschwiegen

FromFrauenfilmgruppe München u.a.

WithAnita von Ow, Horst Tiessler u.a.



Documentary film by and about the Munich women's film group, about feminist awareness, education and actions of the young 2nd women's movement. Central themes of the women's movement are addressed by intercutting feature film sequences (partly improvised) and footage of feminist actions in public space with discussion rounds in the women's group. The cool sound comes from the Rote Rübe collective, among others. A rare, impressive and entertaining document about the beginnings of the second women's movement, which has unfortunately lost little of its topicality in some areas.
"The opportunity to offer possibilities for identification, to present problems that are perceived as 'isolated' as 'collective', at the same time the possibility of making the work of the groups in the women's movement tangible for women as an action that concerns all women and that uses specific examples to tell what women think and feel about women, and also to document these processes, all this was offered by the medium of film." (Gisela Novka)