Welcome Venice
The brothers Pietro and Alvise belong to an old fishing family from Giudecca, one of the islands that make up the city of Venice. Their lives collide against the backdrop of unstoppable change that is transforming the reality and identity of Venice and its inhabitants: The increasing influence of global tourism is changing the relationships between the city and its inhabitants. Although it is exhausting and lonely, Pietro wants to continue fishing for "moeche", the typical crabs of the lagoon; Alvise, on the other hand, sees his parents' house as an opportunity to start anew by establishing relations with the real estate elite that dominates the city. The conflict eventually spills over into the whole family.
Andrea Segree's filmmaking has revolved around his fascinating hometown of Venice for years. In Welcome Venice, he once again shows a touchingly authentic Venice at a turning point, hidden from the tourists, as you never get to see it otherwise.