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Vom ewechn Lem – Molden Resetarits Soyka Wirth

FromJürgen Moors

WithErnst Molden, Willi Resetarits, Walther Soyka, Hannes Wirth, Charlie Bader



The quartet consisting of Ernst Molden, Willi Resetarits, Walther Soyka and Hannes Wirth has not only released numerous albums, given hundreds of concerts and gathered a dedicated fan base with its mixture of Viennese ballads and sensitive humour: The four musicians have also developed a deep friendship with each other, which manifests itself night after night on stage. In August 2018, the four gentlemen will be travelling to the Salzkammergut to perform at the "Sprudel Sprudel und Musik" festival. Viennese filmmaker Jürgen Moors accompanies them during the preparations, during short breaks in the green summer landscape and finally during an acclaimed show. The documentary thus becomes a high mass of musical banter, wisdom and friendship.