Vediamoci charo (Ein Mann sieht klar)
In his penultimate film, which he shot just one year after suffering a serious stroke, Luciano Salce remains true to himself and creates a bitter comedy critical of the bourgeoisie, albeit within the framework of a light muse, for which he engages the actor and singer Johnny Dorelli, who is very popular with audiences, as his alter ego/lead actor. Dorelli plays the manager of a successful private television station who goes blind after an accident and begins to really ‘see’ the events around him with growing disgust and disappointment. Salce also critically processes his own experiences with television here, and although his biting wit seems a little less cutting, his comic timing is still perfect, and Dorelli delights both in his easy mischievousness and in the slapstick moments. (Alessandra Thiele)
Photo: Austrian Film Museum