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Tricky Women/Tricky Realities 2024: Up and Coming 2




Stories that take us through the labyrinth of our minds to meet the monsters lurking in dark corners. At times these minds of ours can feel like they’re anxiously spinning in circles, or drowning us with fears, but they are also where the magic happens, allowing us to travel through time and space, revisit memories of past loves, offer resilience and strength in times of crisis or imagine new futures. Twelve animations that in exploring the depths of our mind, dare to imagine otherwise.

Between reality checks, feminist utopias and new perspectives: from 7 to 10 March, the Tricky Women/Tricky Realities animated film festival celebrates resistant, powerful animated cinema by women and/or genderqueer artists at the METRO Kinokulturhaus. Around 160 short films invite you to engage with multi-layered, social, political and cultural worlds of experience and to open your own eyes to new spaces of possibility.

The festival takes place in a hybrid form with film programmes, lectures and artist talks in the METRO Kinokulturhaus and online on the festival's own platform: