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The Stepfather

FromJoseph Ruben

WithTerry O'Quinn, Jill Schoelen, Shelley HacknSchnitt




Part of the special series NACHTBLENDE

‘I really wanted that sled that goes flying across the floor to result in a stepdad decapitation (a stepdadpitation) but I suppose we can't always have everything now can we.’ Tony the Terror on Letterboxd’

Home Sweet Home! Director Joseph Ruben questions the bourgeois (nuclear) family concept in the guise of a solidly staged psychological thriller, which stands out from the crowd of related genre films thanks to Terry O'Quinn's psychopath performance.

In true Hitchcockian suspense style, the audience knows what's going on right from the start of the film. The question that makes us tremble is when everyone else will find out that Jerry (Terry O'Quinn) is a psychopath who murders entire families in the role of the name- and location-changing stepfather. Because the investigation into the latest crime has been closed, the victim's brother (Stephen Shellen) and a journalist friend set off in search of the murderer. Meanwhile, he tries to endear himself to stepdaughter Stephanie (Jill Schoelen). But unlike her blindly enamoured mother Susan (Shelley Hack), she suspects that something is wrong with Jerry...