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The Immigrant / Sherlock Jr.




The Immigrant
Charles Chaplin, US 1917
Two poor souls meet on a ship crossing to the New World, where they meet again in a restaurant, both destitute and hungry. In return, The Immigrant finds images, scenes that are cheerful and enlightening in their exaggeration, and sometimes sentimental in a way that became increasingly difficult after modernity. A typical experience of the majority of people who lived in the USA at that time and found a kind of comfort and hope there. (Olaf Möller)

Sherlock Jr.
Buster Keaton, US 1924
Buster Keaton's masterpiece Sherlock Jr. is an incomparable tour de force of comic play with cinema itself. With incomparable comic perfection and poetic power, Keaton fantasizes his way through a somnambulistic sequence of scenes as a film projectionist - and explodes cinema conventions. (Christoph Huber)

At the piano: Gerhard Gruber

Photo: Austrian Film Museum