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The Box Man

FromGakuryu Ishii

WithMasatoshi Nagase, Tadanobu Asano, Koichi Sato



It's a strange trio that has gathered at the ‘ABE Clinic’. They want to explore the rules of life. Especially the structures that control us, including the walls and boxes that we create for ourselves in order to exist within them. Can the perfect crime be developed on the basis of these findings? You can make yourself disappear in a box, a peephole is enough to look at the world. Can empathy be achieved in this way? From sexual obsessions to writing everything down to leave something for posterity. Where does communication begin and where is it impossible? ‘It's good to be useful,’ says the young Yoko at one point. Whose usefulness is at stake here remains unanswered. And is it possible to build closeness to other people within time and space? The soundtrack by Michiaki KATSUMOTO emphasises this, and the editing by Banri Nagase switches from a fast-paced rollercoaster ride to a calm flow and borrows from ISHII's early dystopian films.

- Claudia Siefen-Leitich