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Stoff der Heimat

FromOthmar Schmiderer




Dirndl, Lederhosen, Janker, Wadlstrümpf - traditional costume is a source of controversy. But it creates identity for everyone and offers everyone a home: the fashion designer who uses English curtain fabrics, the artist who invents the dirndl mosque, the Schuhplattler and the shooting clubs. At the beginning, Othmar Schmiderer discovers confessional clothing in the corner of conservative politics. He takes them out from there and sets off on a foray across all milieus, histories and regions.

In STOFF DER HEIMAT, Salzburg-born Othmar Schmiderer shows how traditions are dealt with in the field of tension of modernity, the construction of identity and homeland.

‘Enjoyable, insightful and beautiful to watch.’ (Viennale)

Editing: Daniel Pöhacker