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Saudade fez morada aqui dentro (Bittersweet Rain)

FromHaroldo Borges

WithBruno Jefferson, Ângela Maria, Ronnaldy Gomes u.a.



15-year-old Bruno lives with his mother and brother Ronny in a small village in Bahía, Brazil. As if growing up wasn't hard enough on its own, he is diagnosed with an eye disease that could lead to blindness. The teenager finds it difficult to accept that his life will change drastically. But his family, his best friend Angela and his teacher Vinicius support him. At a party, Bruno meets the creative and funny Terena, with whom he falls head over heels in love. In the midst of the worst emotional chaos, Bruno learns to trust his abilities and see the world through different eyes.

Director Haroldo Borges immerses us in the world of adolescence with incredible sensitivity. The hand-held camera stays close to the characters and captures life in grainy images - just as if it were shot on 35mm film. The amateur actors and their improvised dialogue give the film its "documentary soul". This cinematic gem opens our eyes to the beauty in life.