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Oggi, domani, dopodomani (Wie verkaufe ich meine Frau?)

FromMarco Ferreri, Eduardo De Filippo, Luciano Salce

WithMarcello Mastroianni, Catherine Spaak, Virna Lisi, Luciano Salce




Couples in crisis are the subject of this episodic comedy in which Marcello Mastroianni shines. In Marco Ferreri's surrealist stroke of genius L'uomo di cinque palloni, he plays a candy manufacturer with an obsession for blowing up balloons - a Mastroianni masterpiece that producer Carlo Ponti found too uncommercial in the long version and had the opening episode cut. In Eduoardo De Filippo's middle section, Mastroianni visits a friend (Luciano Salce!) and marvels at his seemingly murderous method of making his wife submissive. The finale, directed by Salce, is completely politically incorrect: Mastroianni as a tired banker who wants to get rid of his blonde wife by selling her to a sheikh - and finally experiences his blue miracle. (Christoph Huber)

Photo: Austrian Film Museum