Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
It was not the de facto America that he (like many) believed in during his youth, said John Cassavetes, it was Frank Capra. So James Stewart in the mask of the birdcall-imitating fool Mr Smith, who as a country grasshopper from the Midwest in Washington, D.C. with the lance of idealism and the shield of naivety, defeats the dragon of political corruption in order to keep the democratic spirit of Jefferson and Lincoln, the nation's best legacy - for the people, by the people - not in ruins, but rather afloat: all this in a touching and magnificent film comedy that caused scandals in 1939 and was deemed worthy of the ban demanded by the powerful ambassador Joseph Kennedy because it was causing ‘immeasurable damage to America's reputation in the world’. (Harry Tomicek)
Photo: Österreichisches Filmmuseum