Michael Glawogger: Kurzfilmprogramm 1
[Charles Weinstein]
1980?, DCP (from 16mm), b/w, 2 min
Street Noise Cinematographer: Michael Glawogger; actors: Kimberly Hoskins, Jose Montano. US, 1982, 35mm, color, 9 min. English
Space Sound
Performers: Marian David, Thomas Havlovec, Ingrid Kandler. AT, 1982, DCP (from Super-8), color, 17 min
The product (chase)
Cinematography: Barbara Kastner; actors: Marian David, Jorit Aust, Michael Kienzer. AT, 1982, DCP (from 16mm), b/w, 6 min
Work process (Haymaking)
Performers: Michael Kreihsl. AT, 1984/85?, DCP (from 16mm), color, 6 min
The City of Others
Screenplay: Michael Glawogger, Marian David; Cinematography: Wolfgang Thaler, Hermann Dunzendorfer, Ortrun Bauer, Michael Glawogger, Peter Zeitlinger, Hans Selikovsky; Editing: Andrea Wagner, Michael Glawogger, Christoph Schertenleib, Ortrun Bauer; Music: Armin Pokorn; Cast: Karin David-Kienzer, Ksenija Prohaska-Byner, Mira Brlek-Kuric, Diego Donnhofer, Barbara Zuber, Michael Kreihsl. AT 1989, 16mm, color, 31 min. German, Croatian with Croatian/German subtitles. UT
War in Vienna [Test]
AT, 1987/88, DCP (from 16mm), color, 2 min
In two programs, we present Michael Glawogger's short films, most of which were made during his time as a student at the San Francisco Art Institute and the Vienna Film Academy in the 1980s. Among them are some practically unknown rarities - starting with the abstract [Charles Weinstein], where even the authorship is a mystery! Street Noise is a US work in which atmospheric images from Oakland and interior scenes with Godard pop colors collide. In Raumton, Glawogger transforms a series of chess games into a cinematic field of experimentation with friends from Graz. Two film academy exercises on the subject of the work process and the chase are completed with very different verve: Both were compulsory exercises, but ironically on subjects that would continue to preoccupy Glawogger greatly. Die Stadt der Anderen is a very mature short film and already a "whole Glawogger" in its playful joy of experimentation: two women's lives - one in Vienna, one in Yugoslavia - are intertwined in an unusual way. A captivating miniature at the end: Glawogger on set in close-up. (Christoph Huber)