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Mein Satz

FromAmina Handke

WithCaroline Peters, Libgart Schwarz, Helga Illich



In her first feature film, Amina Handke adapts the play Kaspar (1967), written by her father Peter Handke: In this film version, it is not a young man modelled on Kaspar Hauser, but we see the actress Libgart Schwarz, mother of the director, who loses her words during rehearsals for the play Kaspar. In her linguistic confusion, dreamlike spaces open up in which images and sentences are reassembled - Amina Handke thinks the play through and draws conclusions from the loss of language.

Amina Handke creates "a playful, intra-familial meta-fiction that simultaneously resists the dictates of prefabricated words" (Patrick Holzapfel). At the same time, she reflects on an ageing person's loss of control and the question of how languages are passed on from one generation to the next: "a subtle psychological chamber play with a dry wit" (Klaus Nüchtern).