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La Cocina
t's busy at ‘The Grill’ in Manhattan and money has disappeared from the till. All the undocumented chefs are questioned and Pedro (Raúl Briones) is the prime suspect. He is a dreamer and troublemaker and is in love with Julia (Rooney Mara), a waitress from New York, who cannot get involved in a relationship with him. Rashid, owner of ‘The Grill’, has promised to help Pedro with his papers and thus out of illegality. But a shocking confession from Julia provokes Pedro into an act that will bring the kitchen's conveyor belt to a standstill once and for all.
With LA COCINA, celebrated Mexican director Alonso Ruizpalacios brings a gripping adaptation of ‘The Kitchen’, the iconic theatre play by Arnold Wesker, to the big screen. In impressive black and white images, deliberately aestheticised, dense and with an atmospheric sound design, the audience delves deep into the inner workings of the canteen kitchen with all its dramas, absurdities, moments of despair, humanity and solidarity.