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Go West

FromBuster Keaton

WithBuster Keaton, Howard Truesdale, Kathleen Myers



Nonstop subscription valid with a surcharge of 11,60€

Silent film with musical accompaniment: Daniel Stratznig (accordion) & Annemarie Podesser (flute)

Buster Keaton plays Friendless, an impoverished vagabond who starts out as a cowboy on a cattle ranch. At first he has difficulties with the animals, especially when milking them. But that changes, and he soon develops a genuine affection for the gentle cow Brown-Eyes. When the herd is attacked by rustlers, Buster steps in to save his animal friends.

Although this film is rarely shown, it is regarded by connoisseurs as one of Keaton's best films. ‘Go West’ is not just a western caricature, but Keaton's direct answer to Chaplin's comedies. In Keaton's film, Chaplin's soft-eyed beauty is the cow Brown Eyes...