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FromWalter Reisch

WithPaula Wessely, Rosa Albach-Retty, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Otto Treßler, Erika von Wagner




Because a bank director has speculated, numerous investors lose their savings - including the mother of Valerie, an arts and crafts student. A rich, elderly gentleman then offers himself as a patron. All she has to do in return is accompany him to social events. Reluctantly, but with no alternative, Valerie accepts the offer ...

Walter Reisch transforms the classic morality tale into a modern fairy tale. Contrary to convention, the patron actually proves to be well-meaning and selfless. Nevertheless, prostitution, linguistically taboo, remains present as a constant fear for one's ‘good reputation’. The chauvinistic core question of EPISODE is therefore: How does a girl remain marriageable if she is dependent on the favour of a sugar daddy?