17.12., 20:00, In the presence of Vivian Bausch
The film begins with a process of searching: ZUHAUSE BEI MEINEN MÜTTERN is about the question of the meaning of family and motherhood. The fragmentary, cautious approach also describes finding one's own identity. While TRAUM VON KÖRPERN ventures into the experimental, in IVANA WANTS TO BECOME AN ACTRESS Bausch concretises her film language through precise observations. EIN TEIL VON MIR is about a young woman (brilliant: Julia Windischbauer) who is confronted with repressed memories of her abusive ex-stepfather at a family celebration - and fights back. INEINANDERFALLEN demonstrates how anger and pain over the death of a loved one can unite two bereaved people, at least for a brief moment. (Florian Widegger)