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Die Schule der Frauen

FromMarie-Lou Sellem




Growing old remains a disadvantage in society. Being a woman is still a disadvantage in many areas. And being an older woman? That’s particularly unfavorable. But being an aging actress? That can be fatal.

Why is that the case? How can we trace the journey through the ranks of a patriarchal cultural landscape? To what extent—consciously or unconsciously—did former idealists contribute to these realities? What compromises did they make along the way, and what insights did they gain?

*The School of Women*, the directorial debut of actress Marie-Lou Sellem, explores the idealism and struggles her fellow students dedicated themselves to in their efforts to artistically process societal developments.

By using their own bodies and identities, they make their "research" visible. Until now, society’s response has largely been to avert its gaze the moment they begin to draw from the richness of their experiences.

It is time for a cultural shift!