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Der Traum von Lieschen Müller

FromHelmut Käutner

WithSonja Ziemann, Martin Held, Cornelia Froboess, Helmut Griem



Little bank employee Lieschen Müller dreams of being the owner of the bank where she works as Liz Müller. The people around her quickly become the protagonists of this dream world, in which Lieschen is rich and famous and belongs to the “upper ten thousand”. Designed as a musical, with numerous songs supporting the plot, the film functions as a satire on the schmaltziness of Germans at the time of the economic miracle. Not least the fact that the musical arrangements are by Michel Legrand makes the film stand out from contemporary film production - as do Flo Nordhoff's quirky ideas and special effects, which were incorporated into the dream sequences. (red)