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Dating Planet A



film live in concert

NONSTOP KINOABO with surcharge 10,-

“Dating Planet A” is a film live in concert by filmmaker Johannes Felder and musician Jonathan Hofmeister. With LIVE film music, the movie takes the audience to distant and magical places on a planet called Earth. This sometimes witty, sometimes touchingly poetic puzzle of images and sounds is about being in the world, about its beauty and vulnerability. Merging cinematic short stories about the ground on which we stand, its endangerment and at the same time its magnificent diversity. And all this with a gripping acoustic and visual pull.

There is no planet B, but this does not lead to dystopian despair in “Dating Planet A”. Rather, it leads to an attitude of not swimming in hopelessness, but swimming artistically free. The film dares to take a look at the world, people, their inescapable connections and the misunderstandings that arise from this co-existence. Despite the threat of alienation on a rapidly changing planet, Felder and Hofmeister invite the audience on this joint adventure to find a seat in front of the movie screen and listen to the immediate appeal of a live film soundtrack.

Soundtrack played LIVE by: Jonathan Hofmeister, Alex Bayer, Jan Brillfilm