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Coûte que coûte (At All Costs)
The failure of the capitalist idea as a documentary tragicomedy: a small catering company in Nice struggles to survive economically and is accompanied by Claire Simon's camera. Between the office and the kitchen, the company manager and his small crew are very open about their business. Simon observes the daily checking of the account balance and solvency, the subsequent negotiations with the bank, the planning of the ready meals and their most cost-effective production, the delivery to the supermarkets and the acquisition of new customers. The boss, his three cooks and the office assistant often seem as if they had been cast for this film, so expressive and mischievous are they, despite the existential gravity of the situation they are trying to master together. This film shows the director's virtuosity in finding the big stories in the small and telling them with respect. (Andrea Pollach)
Photo: Austrian Film Museum