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Back to Africa

FromOthmar Schmiderer



LanguageFrench, English

Tita, Huit Huit, Sonko, Waterman and Georges are successful artists - both in Africa and in Europe, where their performances in the circus ‘Afrika! Africa!’ circus contributed to the great success of André Heller's show. Back to Africa accompanies the five protagonists for a year, during rehearsals, in the show and on visits to their home countries, providing very personal insights into their lives there with spectacular images.

‘For me, this film is about getting closer to a culture that is foreign to us,’ says Othmar Schmiderer, ’a culture that we Europeans could learn a lot from. At the same time, it was important to me to counter all the negative images of Africa with a positive one.’

Montage: Sarah Levin, Peter Pryzgodda