At the moment there are no events.

Auswahl Künstlerporträts / Othmar Schmiderer




Gerald Schmid
AT 2003, 30 min, German OF
Realisation: Othmar Schmiderer

Homage to the artist from Saalfelden, Gerald Schmid, who lived in total seclusion. It took Othmar Schmiderer a great deal of persuasion to get him out of his self-imposed hermitage to make this film. The result is a portrait of the necessity and joy of his work, untainted by -arts and -isms.

André Heller Out of Competition
AT 2006, 55 min, German OF
Concept/Director: Othmar Schmiderer,
Cinematography: Othmar Schmiderer, Jörg Burger
Editing: Karina Ressler
Production: Langbein & Skalnik

A film about and with André Heller in the present and the past, about his thinking, his life characterised by numerous ruptures and his multifaceted artistic work