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Aus dem Nichts

FromAngela Summereder

WithGottfried Breitfuß, Sabina Holzer, Annette Holzmann, Hans Michael Rehberg




Can energy be generated from nothing? In the 1920s, Carl Schappeller claimed to be able to develop a mechanism for making space energy available. He mobilised a large following that supported him with money. A charlatan and impostor from the last century?

Filmmaker Angela Summereder follows the trail of this audacious idea, sheds light on the past and ends up in the present with a German experimental physicist and a nuclear power plant manager in India.

AUS DEM NICHTS, produced by Othmar Schmiderer, reveals connections, breaks and continuities in the examination of the phenomenon of ‘space energy’ and reflects on the question: What is reality? What is fiction?