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24/P1: Frauenexpedition

FromJanina Weig, David Ferk, Ramona Waldner



Germany 2024, Janina Weig & David Ferk, 18 min, German

Austria 2024, Ramona Waldner, 90 min, original with subtitles

*DARE TO TRUST* documents a bike-and-ski journey by a trio of women from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Piz Bernina. The three adventurers see their expedition as a powerful statement for female empowerment. The film encourages women to believe in themselves, overcome their doubts, and discover their passion for outdoor adventure.

In *VIA SEDNA*, a team of eight women sails from France across the Arctic Circle to Greenland to climb. For two and a half months, they live together on a 15-meter sailboat. The crew includes sailors and alpinists from France, Spain, and Argentina – along with an East Tyrolean photographer, Ramona Waldner.