Only for members




Exclusively for nonstop subscribers, we will be showing PFAU – BIN ICH ECHT? before the regular theatrical release at the Filmcasino.

Director Bernhard Wenger and Anton Noori, one of the actors in the film, will be present for a Q&A afterwards.

How do I get my ticket?

The invitations will be sent out by e-mail on 3.2.25.


What is PFAU – BIN ICH ECHT about?

Matthias (Albrecht Schuch), owner of the agency “My Companion”, is a master of his trade. Do you need a “cultured friend” to impress your acquaintances? A “perfect son” to show off at the 60s party? Or maybe just a sparring partner to rehearse a marital spat? Matthias is your man! Although he excels at being someone else every day, the real challenge for him is to simply be himself. When his girlfriend Sophia (Julia Franz Richter) leaves him alone in his stylish domicile because of his all-encompassing insensitivity, Matthias has to get his act together – and triggers a chain reaction of increasingly absurd proportions on his way to self-awareness.

Being a man as tragicomedy: In his feature film debut PFAU – BIN ICH ECHT?, Austrian filmmaker Bernhard Wenger gets to the bottom of everyday life in “late capitalism” with subtle humor and a precise eye for the madness of the “normal”. He arranges and alienates interpersonal relationships until they become set pieces against the most beautiful backdrop – the result: the depiction of a society “distorted to the point of unrecognizability”.